AstraZeneca and Quell to Develop Cell Therapies in $2B Deal for Type 1 Diabetes and IBD

AstraZeneca has teamed up with Quell Therapeutics to develop therapies for Type 1 diabetes and inflammatory bowel disorder, potentially putting over $2 billion on the line. AstraZeneca provided $85 million to get started, while the rest of the opportunity comes in the form of development and commercialization milestones and potential royalties down the line. Quell will be responsible for developing autologous multi-modular Treg cell therapies for Type 1 diabetes and IBD, as well as manufacturing through to the end of the first-in-human clinical study. The biotech already has another candidate primed for the clinic—a Treg cell therapy designed to prevent organ rejection by eliminating lifelong immunosuppression for liver transplant patients. This collaboration is part of a larger trend in which companies are looking at using cell therapies from cancer treatments into autoimmune disease. Keywords: AstraZeneca, Quell Therapeutics, Type 1 diabetes, inflammatory bowel disorder, Treg cell therapies Other related sentences: - The success of cell therapies from cancer treatments is being used in autoimmune diseases. - Bristol Myers Squibb recently put close to $2 billion on the line for GentiBio in a collaboration to develop Treg therapies for patients with IBD. - Intellia Ther